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Living Lab Workshop 1


Bruxelles Environnement

The morning of the first workshop focused on familiarizing participants with the CO-NATURE project. During the morning session, presentations were given by the CO-NATURE team to introduce the project and its goals and on the work that had been completed so far. This included an update on the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Catalogue, in which NBS and their specifics, benefits, and costs are listed. Preliminary findings from the survey on use and valuation of urban green spaces in Brussels were presented. 


The interactive sessions began in the afternoon. During the first session, the methodology used to select case study sites was presented. Case study sites were chosen based on (1) a neighbourhood typology which characterizes the physical and social makeup of Brussels, (2) the location of ongoing development projects in Brussels and (3) three focus areas (human priority, development priority and nature priority). Participants were asked to reflect on and respond to the methodology for selecting case study sites and to suggest potential alternative sites. During the second session, two proposed case study sites were introduced: an area in the North Quarter and the area surrounding the Molenbeek city centre. Participants then split into two groups and each group was assigned one case study area. Maps and drawing materials were provided and participants were asked to discuss and draw potential nature-based interventions that could be implemented in these case study sites. The workshop rounded off with a summary of the group discussions and an invitation to the next workshop.




We were happy to welcome 30 participants, with a diversity of expertise. Participants include parrains of the project, researchers in relevant fields, teachers, students, architects, landscape architects, representatives of citizen action groups, urbanism consultants, professionals in relevant fields (e.g. biologists). 


The presentations, pictures, notes, are available for download. For any further questions and recommendations, feel free to contact us.

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